How to Apply a Lace Wig

Please Note: This is one method to apply a lace wig. There are several methods depending on your preference. There is no one way to apply a unit. This is just a simple method you may use.

Practice Makes Perfect
Supplies You Will Need:

A. Scissors (must be very sharp)

B. Cotton Ball (optional)

C. Comb

D. Head Scarf

E. Hair Clips

F. Rubbing Alcohol (optional)

G. Wig Cap (optional)

H. Skin-Shield (skin-protector)

I. Lace Wig Adhesive (liquid or tape)

J. Lace Wig Adhesive Solvent/Remover
Please Note: Before Using Any Product Test a Small Area on Your Skin for 24 Hours to Make Sure it does not cause Irritation. If Harmful Irritation Develops Please Discontinue Use.

Follow These Steps:
1. Prepare your existing hair: Pin or braid your hair as close to your scalp as possible for a bump free, flat surface. Use a wig cap that is the color of your scalp (OPTIONAL).
2. Prepare your skin: Using a cotton ball, wipe rubbing alcohol on the perimeter of your hairline. This will eliminate any natural oils and dirt.
3. Apply a skin protector: Apply a layer of skin protector (skin-shield) around your hairline where the adhesive or tape will be placed and let dry. This forms a protective barrier between the adhesive and your skin and also creates a more secure bonding surface.
4. Prepare your Lace Wig: Put your lace wig on your head and evaluate how and where you would like the hairline to be. The key here is to find where the hairline looks most natural.
5. Cut the excess lace off your lace wig: Using sharp scissors, trim the excess lace from your lace wig. Go slow and take your time! Cut small amounts off at a time. Put your lace wig on again, and again, if necessary to make sure you are cutting enough lace and have determined where you want your hairline to be. Leave enough lace for a good bond.
6. Prepare your lace wig for application: After you have determined where you want your hairline, place a hair clip in the front (center) of your lace wig, so you remember where to place your lace wig when you are ready to attach it. Now, take your lace wig off for the next step.
7. Apply adhesive to your hairline: Apply either liquid or tape adhesive around your hairline. If you are using liquid let it dry until it becomes tacky to the touch. (This may be just a few minutes depending on the liquid glue you are using; you may use a hair dryer on a cool setting to speed up this process.
8. Apply your lace wig: Tie your lace wig in a pony tail, so it does not get glue on it, then apply the wig to your head. Work quickly and secure the perimeter of your wig to your hairline. You have a few moments to get your wig situated. Once it is I place, use a fine tooth comb to press the edges of your lace wig to your hairline to make sure it adheres to the tape/glue.
9. Let glue adhere and dry completely: wrap a scarf around the perimeter of your hairline to make sure the glue or tape adheres securely. Wait about 15 minutes. Do not wash, swim or exercise in your lace wig until about 36 hours after you have applied it.

Pull your lace wig in a ponytail and apply a solvent around the edges of your lace wig. Let the solvent sit for about 2-5 minutes. Be patient and take your time. Work the solvent in with your fingers and gently pull the lace free. Once you have removed your lace wig; shampoo it and remove any leftover glue/tape gently with a towel. Let the lace wig air dry and style.

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